Molecular Biology & Genomics Centre

Pathogen Identification

Molecular based methods like PCR, Real-Time PCR and more recently next generation sequencing (NGS) have revolutionized the field of veterinary diagnostics. At MBG, we offer detection of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and parasites using molecular methods, which are fast and highly sensitive to detect microbial pathogens in various specimens. MBG is an ISO 17025 accredited facility and benefits from an isolated containment level 3 facility for processing highly (level 3) contagious pathogens.

All Bacteria Virus Fungi Parasite

Assay Code APA-214
Description The genus Anaplasma belonging to the Anaplasmataceae family (order Rickettsiales) comprises obligate intracellular Gram-negative bacteria is one of the predominant tick borne pathogens of veterinary and public health importance. 
Anaplasma exhibit a biological cycle involving infection of both invertebrate and vertebrate host with different cell types targeted mainly infection of the red blood cells. Ticks transmit pathogens that cause disease thorough the process of feeding and the incubation period is 5-14 days. Affecting species are ruminants, dogs, horses, camels and also in human (Human granulocytic anaplasmosis). General systemic signs include anaemia, diarrhea, anorexia, and weight loss.
In the initial phase of infection, hosts are usually seronegative and serological cross-reactions with several Anaplasma species are observed. So, in terms of sensitivity and specificity PCR tests are the main approach for a case definition and epidemiological studies compared to other laboratory test methods.
In MBG, instead of detecting closely related species, we have been designed, a genus-specific primers to amplify a conserved region that target entire Anaplasma genus. One of the reasons is that some Anaplasma species are ecologically divergent and not found in the same hosts or vectors. Diagnosis for sensitive and specific identification of Anaplasma infections usually performed on total DNA from different kind of sample types including blood, culture but in persistently infected animals with intermittent or low-level bacteremia, other tissues might be useful.

Method PCR & Gel Electrophoresis
Sample Type
EDTA Blood
Transport Condition Sample should be transported at 4oC. (Refer to MBG-C0014)
Turn Around Time (TAT) Normal Turnaround time for pathogen Identification is within 3 working days.
Urgent Samples will be reported within half of the minimum test period & will be Charged Double.
Samples delivered after 11:00 AM will be processed next working day unless urgent.
Note Research use only.


Molecular Biology & Genomics Centre

Pathogen Identification

Molecular based methods like PCR, Real-Time PCR and more recently next generation sequencing (NGS) have revolutionized the field of veterinary diagnostics. At MBG, we offer detection of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and parasites using molecular methods, which are fast and highly sensitive to detect microbial pathogens in various specimens. MBG is an ISO 17025 accredited facility and benefits from an isolated containment level 3 facility for processing highly (level 3) contagious pathogens.

All Bacteria Virus Fungi Parasite

Assay Code APA-214
Description The genus Anaplasma belonging to the Anaplasmataceae family (order Rickettsiales) comprises obligate intracellular Gram-negative bacteria is one of the predominant tick borne pathogens of veterinary and public health importance. 
Anaplasma exhibit a biological cycle involving infection of both invertebrate and vertebrate host with different cell types targeted mainly infection of the red blood cells. Ticks transmit pathogens that cause disease thorough the process of feeding and the incubation period is 5-14 days. Affecting species are ruminants, dogs, horses, camels and also in human (Human granulocytic anaplasmosis). General systemic signs include anaemia, diarrhea, anorexia, and weight loss.
In the initial phase of infection, hosts are usually seronegative and serological cross-reactions with several Anaplasma species are observed. So, in terms of sensitivity and specificity PCR tests are the main approach for a case definition and epidemiological studies compared to other laboratory test methods.
In MBG, instead of detecting closely related species, we have been designed, a genus-specific primers to amplify a conserved region that target entire Anaplasma genus. One of the reasons is that some Anaplasma species are ecologically divergent and not found in the same hosts or vectors. Diagnosis for sensitive and specific identification of Anaplasma infections usually performed on total DNA from different kind of sample types including blood, culture but in persistently infected animals with intermittent or low-level bacteremia, other tissues might be useful.

Method PCR & Gel Electrophoresis
Sample Type
EDTA Blood
Transport Condition Sample should be transported at 4oC. (Refer to MBG-C0014)
Turn Around Time (TAT) Normal Turnaround time for pathogen Identification is within 3 working days.
Urgent Samples will be reported within half of the minimum test period & will be Charged Double.
Samples delivered after 11:00 AM will be processed next working day unless urgent.
Note Research use only.
