Molecular Biology & Genetics Laboratory

Species Specific Services

Services grouped by species of interest.

Avian Camelid Equine Feline Canine

Assay Code APC-031
Description Chlamydia and chlamydophila are two genera belonging to the family Chlamydiaceae. Avian chlamydiosis (caused by Chlamydophila psittaci) was originally termed psittacosis, or parrot fever, as the disease was originally recognised in psittacine birds. Also, Chalmydial disease from domestic poultry and wild birds other than psittacine birds was previously called ornithosis. These diseases are now considered all similar and referred to as avian chlamydiosis.

Chlamydiae are known to infect most species of domestic poultry, pet birds and wild birds causing varying degrees of infection. Chlamydial infections have been identified in over 150 species of wild birds. Persistently infected carrier birds are known to be a source of chlamydiosis in the pet bird industry. In poultry, the disease varies from one producing high morbidity and mortality to one that is asymptomatic. Typical clinical signs with a strain of high virulence include pneumoenteritis with respiratory signs, mucopurulent ocular or nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, diarrhoea, polyuria and dullness. Strains of low virulence produce clinical signs that are similar but less severe and less extensive. Asymptomatic infections can occur with strains of both low and high virulence.

Infected birds shed chlamydiae in both the respiratory excretions and in faeces. A susceptible bird can become infected through inhalation of airborne contaminated material or through ingestion of contaminated feeds.

Method Real -Time PCR.
Sample Type
Stool, Swab / Secretion (Rectal), Swab / Secretion (Respiratory), Tissue, Culture.
Transport Condition Samples should be transported at 4°C. Stool must be frozen after collection.
Turn Around Time (TAT) Normal Turnaround time for pathogen Identification is within 5 working days.
Urgent Samples will be reported within half of the minimum test period & will be Charged Double.
Samples delivered after 11:00 AM will be processed next working day unless urgent.


Molecular Biology & Genetics Laboratory

Species Specific Services

Services grouped by species of interest.

Avian Camelid Equine Feline Canine

Assay Code APC-031
Description Chlamydia and chlamydophila are two genera belonging to the family Chlamydiaceae. Avian chlamydiosis (caused by Chlamydophila psittaci) was originally termed psittacosis, or parrot fever, as the disease was originally recognised in psittacine birds. Also, Chalmydial disease from domestic poultry and wild birds other than psittacine birds was previously called ornithosis. These diseases are now considered all similar and referred to as avian chlamydiosis.

Chlamydiae are known to infect most species of domestic poultry, pet birds and wild birds causing varying degrees of infection. Chlamydial infections have been identified in over 150 species of wild birds. Persistently infected carrier birds are known to be a source of chlamydiosis in the pet bird industry. In poultry, the disease varies from one producing high morbidity and mortality to one that is asymptomatic. Typical clinical signs with a strain of high virulence include pneumoenteritis with respiratory signs, mucopurulent ocular or nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, diarrhoea, polyuria and dullness. Strains of low virulence produce clinical signs that are similar but less severe and less extensive. Asymptomatic infections can occur with strains of both low and high virulence.

Infected birds shed chlamydiae in both the respiratory excretions and in faeces. A susceptible bird can become infected through inhalation of airborne contaminated material or through ingestion of contaminated feeds.

Method Real -Time PCR.
Sample Type
Stool, Swab / Secretion (Rectal), Swab / Secretion (Respiratory), Tissue, Culture.
Transport Condition Samples should be transported at 4°C. Stool must be frozen after collection.
Turn Around Time (TAT) Normal Turnaround time for pathogen Identification is within 5 working days.
Urgent Samples will be reported within half of the minimum test period & will be Charged Double.
Samples delivered after 11:00 AM will be processed next working day unless urgent.
